Blender Windows, Mac OS, Linux
Free desktop 3D creation suite, with a wide range of tools for modeling, sculpting, texturing, rigging, animation, rendering, compositing, motion tracking, and video editing. It's easily extendable via community plugins
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- Privacy PolicyCreated 25 Apr 23, Last modified 11 months ago
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Blender Source Code
Official mirror of Blender
09 Oct 19
Last Updated
30 Mar 24
Latest version
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985,228 KB
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Star History
Top Contributors
@ideasman42 (35280)
@sergeyvfx (10950)
@brechtvl (4837)
@tonroosendaal (4831)
@HansGoudey (4516)
@Aligorith (3362)
@JacquesLucke (2986)
@dfelinto (2131)
@julianeisel (2039)
@Antonioya (1906)
@DingTo (1729)
@lichtwerk (1430)
@jeroenbakker-atmind (1305)
@psy-fidelious (1285)
@drsybren (1171)
@jesterKing (1165)
@kjym3 (1010)
@joeedh (882)
@nicholasbishop (846)
@LazyDodo (812)
@significant-bit (741)
@RichardAntalik (691)
@harley-acheson (676)
@Blendify (648)
@jbakker-atmind (611)
@ben2610 (560)
@lukastoenne (540)
@pablodp606 (531)
@Moguri (509)
@lukas-toenne (502)
Recent Commits
Aaron Carlisle (30 Mar 24)
Docs: Use reference links when possible when linking to other API
Aaron Carlisle (30 Mar 24)
Docs: Python: Add copy button to code blocks Uses the sphinx-copybutton to add a copy icon to code block to quickly copy content to the clipboard. Pull Request: #119948
Lukas Tönne (29 Mar 24)
GPv3: Texture offset modifier Port of the GPv2 texture modifier for transforming UVs of stroke points. Pull Request:
Sebastian Parborg (29 Mar 24)
Fix: Crash/Assert in the pusleaudio lib when pausing playback After 91eb50ec2f436c026233f184a2dfc7141d6f3b44, we would get random crashes/asserts from the pulseaudio library like: `Assertion 'e->mainloop->n_enabled_defer_events > 0' failed at ../pulseaudio-17.0/src/pulse/mainloop.c:261, function mainloop_defer_enable(). Aborting.` It seems like we would run into a race condition if we didn't guard the pulseaudio flush command with the pulseaudio mutex. This is probably because the pulseaudio thread would try to read the buffer for a tiny bit even after pausing the playback. Sadly the only way to reproduce this is to playback any scene (seem to happen more often if A/V sync is on) and spam play/pause. Note that I could not reproduce this on every computer I tested this on. But by expanding the main pulseaudio mutex lock, I can't seem to reproduce this anymore. So I think that is the correct solution. Pull Request:
Nika Kutsniashvili (29 Mar 24)
UI: Rename VCols to Color Attributes in edit mesh operators A couple of edit mesh operators are still using "VCols" terminology, which should be Color Attributes now. This just renames text seen in redo panels. Internally it's still called VCols. Pull Request:
Falk David (29 Mar 24)
Fix: BLI: Bounds `is_empty` function This was meant to be the same as `BLI_rct*_is_empty` but wasn't because the `less_or_equal_than` was effectively doing a logical "and", when it should have been doing a logical "or".
Falk David (29 Mar 24)
Fix: GPv3: Simplify modifier inconsistency with GPv2 The simplify modifier did not remove points in fixed mode at level 1. This was the case in GPv2. This makes sure to get the same result as in GPv2.
Clément Foucault (29 Mar 24)
EEVEE-Next: Shadow: Add LOD system to directional clipmap shadows This act in multiple phases: - A shader scan the whole clipmap after tilemap finalize to gather where valid tiles from lower LODs are available and write the page location and LOD offset at invalid tiles location. - At sampling time we add the LOD offset before the pixel page modulo operation. This offset is equal to the amount of pages of the **sampling** LOD needed to have the same modulo result as the **sampled** LOD. The whole thing being very tricky, I added a lot of unit testing. This has no use for now but the system is needed to implement: - Shadows from Volumetrics at lower cost & memory footprint. - Fixing soft shadows artifacts. These will be implemented in separate PRs. Pull Request:
Falk David (29 Mar 24)
Fix: GPv3: Crash in simplify modifier The simplify modifier uses `bke::curves_copy_point_selection` but didn't build the `points_to_keep` index mask correctly. This fixes the indices in the index mask and also optimizes the edge cases of removing all the points/ keeping all the points.
Hoshinova (29 Mar 24)
Fix #119797: Noise Texture Precision Issues The Perlin noise algorithms suffer from precision issues when a coordinate is greater than about 250000. To fix this the Perlin noise texture is repeated every 100000 on each axis. This causes discontinuities every 100000, however at such scales this usually shouldn't be noticeable. Pull Request:
Hans Goudey (29 Mar 24)
Fix: Debug build error after recent commit
Brecht Van Lommel (29 Mar 24)
Build: Improve OSL library dependency handling in Cycles Might fix some missing symbols when the OSL library gets updated. Pull Request:
Hans Goudey (29 Mar 24)
Tests: Add modifier tests for shrinkwrap target normal project This code didn't have regression tests yet. Add tests for #120051, with meshes with and without boundary edges.
Hans Goudey (29 Mar 24)
Cleanup: Add detail to sculpt mesh variable name Generally sculpt uses a combination of data from the original, deformed, and final evaluated meshes. Keeping track of all that is confusing and using a more specific variable name helps a bit.
Brecht Van Lommel (28 Mar 24)
Refactor: Add ability for UI block to own operator Instead of only referencing an existing one. This will be used for collection exporter and presets, to make sure the operator instance stays alive long enough for the preset to be able to be applied. Pull Request:
Brecht Van Lommel (29 Mar 24)
Fix: Operator properties don't undo when owner is collection For collection export, we need operator properties to not assume they are owned by the window manager. Pull Request:
Falk David (29 Mar 24)
GPv3: Add brush falloff panel to tint tool This was talked about in Adds back the panel so that the falloff can be changed again.
YimingWu (29 Mar 24)
GPv3: Tint tool This implements the tint tool from GPv2. Pull Request:
Falk David (29 Mar 24)
Fix: GPv3: Use const reference to avoid copy This was resulting in a copy of the layer, which shouldn't be done.
Sergey Sharybin (29 Mar 24)
Cleanup: Code formatting Pull Request:
Sergey Sharybin (29 Mar 24)
Fix #120051: Crash when using shrinkwrap with Target Normal Project The issue was introduced by b35831ad6c. Since that commit `tree->boundary` will always be non-nullptr, even when the target mesh had no boundaries. Some code was still relying on the fact that `tree->boundary != nullptr` means the mesh has boundary. Update shrinkwrap code for this fact, avoiding access past array boundaries. Pull Request:
casey bianco-davis (29 Mar 24)
GPv3: Handle UVs in Smooth Modifier The smooth modifier was made before UVs were implemented. This adds smoothing to the UV rotations. Pull Request:
Campbell Barton (29 Mar 24)
Cleanup: use a const pointer for unit-settings
Campbell Barton (29 Mar 24)
Cleanup: remove unit scale initialization in UI logic Versioning logic was added since 2.5x
Campbell Barton (29 Mar 24)
Cleanup: remove unused exception value
Campbell Barton (29 Mar 24)
Cleanup: replace "derived mesh" with "evaluated mesh" in code comments References to the evaluated mesh were referring to "derived mesh" when DerivedMesh wasn't used.
Hans Goudey (29 Mar 24)
Cleanup: Remove duplicate function for copying edit mesh positions
Hans Goudey (29 Mar 24)
Cleanup: Make format
Jesse Yurkovich (29 Mar 24)
Cleanup: Remove BLI_array macros in editmesh_knife This replaces the older dynamic c array macros with blender::Vector in editmesh_knife. This area is 1 of only 2 remaining which use this machinery. See #103343 Pull Request:
Jesse Yurkovich (29 Mar 24)
ImportHelper: Common methods for FileHandler drag and drop support Provide common implementations for two operations that all Python FileHandlers will typically use. - `poll_file_object_drop` To be used inside the FileHandler `poll_drop` callback - `invoke_popup` To be used inside the Operator `invoke` callback The above code closely mirrors what is currently done inside the existing Blender c++ FileHandlers. Pull Request:
Blender Website
Website - Home of the Blender project - Free and Open 3D Creation Software
The Freedom to Create
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Blender Docker
Container Info
[Blender]( is a free and open-source 3D computer graphics software toolset used for creating animated films, visual effects, art, 3D printed models, motion graphics, interactive 3D applications, virtual reality, and computer games. **This image does not support GPU rendering out of the box only accelerated workspace experience**
DockerHub Metrics
- Pull Count 21,439,308
- Stars 27
- Date Created 14 Mar 22
- Last Updated 22 days ago
View on DockerHub
linuxserver/blenderRun Command
docker run -d \ -p 3000:3000/tcp \ -p 3001:3001/tcp \ -e PUID=${PUID} \ -e PGID=${PGID} \ -e TZ=${TZ} \ -e SUBFOLDER=${SUBFOLDER} \ -v /volume1/docker/blender/config:/config \ --restart=unless-stopped \ linuxserver/blender:latest
Compose File
version: 3.8 services: blender: image: linuxserver/blender:latest ports: - 3000:3000:tcp - 3001:3001:tcp environment: PUID: 1024 PGID: 100 TZ: Europe/Amsterdam SUBFOLDER: / volumes: - /volume1/docker/blender/config:/config restart: unless-stopped
Environment Variables
- Var Name Default
- PUID 1024
- PGID 100
- TZ Europe/Amsterdam
Port List
- 3000:3000/tcp
- 3001:3001/tcp
Volume Mounting
- /volume1/docker/blender/config /config
- read ✅ Yes
- write ✅ Yes
- admin ✅ Yes
Blender Reviews
More 3D Graphics
A simple and easy-to-use subdivision 3D modeler with AutoUV facility for unfolding a models surface for painting/texturing. Unlike Blender, it has no built-in animation capabilites, and it's feature set is more limited, but it's a good choice for beginners.
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