All data on Awesome Privacy is community maintained via Git,
this keeps everything transparent, and means anyone can submit edits.
You can learn more about how our data is managed on our about page.
You can make ammendments/additions/removals simply by editing the
awesome-privacy.yml file.
Before you proceed, please first read our Contributing Docs
Awesome Privacy is a community-maintained resource, it's thanks to
contributors like you, that it's able to grow and stay up to date 💜
Before completing this form, you must ensure that the service you are adding aligns
with the Requirements for Awesome Privacy.
You'll need a GitHub account in order to submit this form.
Below is the YAML content, which will be appended to the appropriate section within awesome-privacy.yml upon approval.
- name: '' url: '' icon: '' description: '' github: '' tosdrId: '' iosApp: '' androidApp: '' discordInvite: '' subreddit: '' openSource: false securityAudited: false acceptsCrypto: false
Your submission will need to be reviewed by a maintainer and the community before it can be merged.
You can submit a removal request by browsing to a given service's page, and clicking the "Request Removal" button. This will open a form where you can justify your reasoning, to get it deleted from the awesome-privacy.yml file.
Edits are welcome! All data is located in
To modify an entry, navigate to it's page, scroll to the bottom, and click "Edit".
This will take you to directly to the relevant lines in the file, where you can make your changes.
You can view a full ledger of all updates made at